Upcoming Events Essential for Your Art School Admissions!

As summer crawled in, we have been welcoming our summer portfolio intensive students,
who have all buckled down to intense art making toward their goals!

Do not miss out on our excitement-packed events in July,
especially if you are planning on applying to art schools anytime soon!
Keep note and track of our essential events that will guide you to be a few steps ahead in the game!

– FIT information session: July 13th
– Parsons campus visit & tour: July 14th
– SVA campus visit & tour: July 18th
* PRATT information session & portfolio reviewJuly 19th

* Please keep in mind that on July 19th, there will be a portfolio review,
in addition to the information session, by the school representative at Pratt.

Summer will pass by, and before it does, make sure you are in the know of
what you need to do in your preparation for your admission goals!

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