Portfolio Prep for Art College (Undergraduate Program)

All Images Copyright © New York Art Studio.

Hello, all prospective art students dreaming of that art college life~🌟

In art college application,
it is extremely important to plan out ahead of the time for your portfolio.
And by that we mean roughly from more than a year ahead.
Art-making in general is one thing,
but organizing all the artworks in one body is not an easy thing to do,
as to what to leave in or out.


All Images Copyright © New York Art Studio.

At NYART, students are not boxed in to produce the same type of works.
In our Undergraduate (BFA) Portfolio Prep program,
a student is not asked to produce the same type of work as the others.
If you have a specific field (major) of interest,
our instructors will help you with YOUR OWN UNIQUE projects
that require YOUR CREATIVITY.

At the same time, however,
just because your interest is conventionally 2D-oriented,
such as drawing, illustration, or painting,
that doesn’t mean that you are confined to working in 2D.



All Images Copyright © New York Art Studio.


The goal of our Undergraduate (BFA) Portfolio Prep program is
to help students experiment with a variety of mediums,
and break out of the conventional box so that
they can really try out different materials and show through their portfolio
that they are ready to take risks and try new things.

Right above is one of our past students’ self-portrait work
that really explores and incorporates mixed media,
including not just paint and graphite but his actual belonging.
What makes a self, the self? What am I? What makes up oneself?

What college looks for is not always grandiose mastery
but more of an attitude toward things–
how to look at things, as well as how to think.

All Images Copyright © New York Art Studio.


Here is another mixed media drawing series by the same student.
A great series that shows both some drawing skills,
as well as the willingness to portray his own insight into each drawing.

All Images Copyright © New York Art Studio.


And like we said, you are not just limited to flat papers.
I know moving back and forth between the 3D and 2D could be
a little intimidating, especially if you really want
your work to be good for your portfolio.
The instructors of our Undergraduate (BFA) Portfolio Prep program
will guide you to rid you of that fear and execute
what you are thinking into actual form.
And most of all, just to have fun and really “think” making art.


Inquire of us anytime what your plan is,
and we are always here to help you make a one-of-a-kind portfolio of yours!

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