Student accepted to Pratt Interactive Arts MFA Program!



~~ Congratulations! ~~

One of our Graduate Portfolio Prep students, Alice L., has been accepted to the MFA Interactive Arts program at Pratt Institute!
Alice has been a passionate student of ours for about 8 months.
During that time, she explored more about her field of interest with the guidance of our specialized instructors to hone her portfolio.



Our life these days is unimaginable without any digital devices next to us, such as phones, computers, etc. Pratt’s MFA Interactive Arts program is one of the graduate programs that are growing more and more popular as we move toward a more digital and AI-based era.



Our specialized instructors for Interactive Art & Design have been with Alice along her journey to this acceptance, so we couldn’t be more proud of Alice and all her hard work!
Her accepted portfolio can be found below 🙂



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