Another acceptance news from our student, Sara,
who was our proud Undergraduate Portfolio Preparation student!
Sara got accepted to Pratt Institute with
Presidential Merit Scholarship totaling $56K!
Sara took at New York Art Studio
Undergraduate Portfolio Prep: 1:1 Private Lessons
to build her undergraduate admission portfolio for about 6 months.
Her goal school was Pratt for Interior Design,
and without a lot of art experience, Sara made a decision to
come to our school to start and finish her portfolio in a short period of time.
A strength of our 1-to-1 Private Lessons is that
it is the most effective and productive way
to make a successful portfolio because
the class time is intensive/condensed/and very focused
to optimize the portfolio making process!
Depending on your major/school goals,
the instructor will be assigned and curricula will be determined.
Our personalized care can lead YOU to not just acceptance,
but to scholarships, like Sara did! 🙂
Consult with us now and find out what can be done to achieve