Student Accepted to FIT Fashion Design !

+ Congratulations! +

We are happy to announce that a student in the Undergraduate Portfolio Prep at New York Art Studio has been accepted to FIT’s Fashion Design program !

Our first encounter with the student goes all the way back to a few years ago, when the student expressed her desire to pursue a fashion design degree as a high school student.

FIT is constantly a popular school among our students, domestic or international, as a NY State higher education institution with a solid fashion design program with such well-known alumni as Michael Kors, Aquaria, Ralph Rucci, Calvin Klein, and many more.

When preparing for FIT’s fashion design that a lot of people refer to, it is important to note that their requirement is usually independent and a little different from other art schools, so you will need to specifically tailor your assignments according to their prompt.

Below is one of the example works the student worked at our studio with guidance of our Fashion Design instructor!


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