Accepted to Parsons with a $101,160 scholarship! (Fashion Design)

© New York Art Studio

Just recapitulating one of our student acceptance highlights, which was to Parsons, with a scholarship of $101,160 !

The student had been with us for a long time, through Summer Intensive Portfolio Prep and Undergraduate Regular Portfolio Prep to finish the last touch-up on her portfolio.

The student started with not a lot of art experience and started with our rigorous Summer Intensive Portfolio Prep, where she worked everyday from Mondays to Saturdays to hone her foundations, think more creatively and conceptually, to make a portfolio that got her a good deal of scholarships from Parsons, among many other schools like RISD.

A lot of students are worried if they need any art experience or skills to be in our portfolio prep classes at all. Please keep in mind that NO ART EXPERIENCE is necessary to enroll in our program. The core purpose of our portfolio prep is to help you build your foundational skills along with creativity through projects that are devised for your targeted major and school.

Always keep in mind that in your undergraduate admission portfolio, it is important to show your foundations AND creativity that backs up each other.

Please see some of the student’s proud accepted (+scholarship!) works to Parsons !

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