What is a RISD (Rhode Island School of Design) Home test?


In art school admissions, some schools like RISD (Rhode Island School of Desing) require from an applicant a home test submission other than a portfolio.

This information is necessary for Freshmen and Transfer applicants who wish to be in the undergraduate program at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in 2021!! RISD newly changed the assignment this year. The Assignment is a crucial item that students need to send to the school.  Just to remind you briefly, you must choose one of three prompt options that the school provided. After understanding its terms thoroughly, create 1 response using any medium you prefer. There are no restrictions!!


This year, the prompt options are:

  • Ephemeral/tangible
  • Complexity / contradiction
  • Chaos / order

You may choose one of the following three options and create response pieces.
The responses are open to any mediums, challenges, experiments, and risks!
One thing to keep in mind would be thinking about the process and taking the assignment as far as you can with your unique concepts.

In other words, what they look for has more to do with the process than the final outcome, end-product, or technological mastery, although the technological skills could come definitely in handy in the execution of your work.

Once you are done with the physical part, you just need to upload your home test responses to
a dedicated home test section of RISD SlideRoom, which is an online website for your portfolio submission.

RISD currently accepts students’ challenge home test electronically through Slide Room.
The school does not accept CD, DVD, PPT, or original artworks.

Be sure to also answer the following question for each as well:
What are the other directions or ideas you would explore as a next step?

You may check more information on the RISD admissions webpage.
When it comes to art school admissions, you could definitely feel stuck and intimidated,
but it’s actually not so bad!
Whenever you need help with your portfolio or art school admissions,
feel free to give us a holler and we would love to listen to you and help you with it 😉


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