Specialized Art HS Prep Work Example: 3D Drawing in Color Pencil

This work was made by a student in our Specialized Art HS Prep class who was working on their art portfolio to apply to a specialized art high school.

For this drawing work, the student was inspired by the lenticular printing technique that involves an illusion of depth. A lenticular work usually accompanies different images at different angles, giving the illusion of motion.

This drawing work has two different compositions in two complementary color schemes, one involving everyday food and the other more organic and earthy composition. The two different compositions were then combined on ridges of a sheet at opposite angles, so that one side would show the “cold” composition with the warm hamburger, and the other the “warm” composition with nature.

With color pencils, the work also shows examples of rendering and value shifts so that there is good contrast between the foreground and background.

Playing with the idea of science, vision, and illusion, this 2D drawing transformed into a 3D drawing, making the viewing experience more dynamic.

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