Specialized Art HS Portfolio Work: Observational Drawing in Graphite (Self-Portrait)

This artwork was done by our past students in the Specialized Art High School Prep program.

This graphite drawing is an observational drawing of a mirror reflection of the student as a self-portrait. With very nice value and contrast, the focus moves from the center where the student is to the surrounding area that has been intentionally made lighter and softer with less contrast.

It is also interesting to note that the drawing includes the mirror frame, rather than the mirror image itself as a full tableau. This puts the viewer in the perspective of the student, the artist, who is making a self-portrait of themselves on the drawing paper in the drawing itself.

Note also how the details of everyday items, like clothes, jackets, and shoes, are all there, which all amount to the dynamic character of the drawing and the student. In a self-portrait, any little details like creases and wrinkles become such a nice part of the personality that makes up the drawing.

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