College Art Portfolio Work Example: Drawing / Illustration

This work was for a project for an art college portfolio made in our Art College Portfolio Prep class.

Consisting largely of lines, the drawing shows a lot of free-flowing marks that almost look like a sketch. Those sketch-like lines are juxtaposed with clearer and intentional lines to form narratives into one composition.

The imagery is almost surreal and freaky, with different forms and creatures interlocking with patterns and color blocks. The figures show legible human body structure, while the sense of space is formed in a nuanced way with the surrounding elements, like the creatures that we mentioned. The color blob with patterns that takes up the bottom to the bottom right corner of the paper also adds spatial depth by forming a different plane than the two people walking. The colored blocks are also continued onto the upper part of the composition to give more balance and consistency.

This is a good line drawing example that shows how to make the drawing full with just lines while forming a good sense of space abstractly without having to create perspective. You can also see the student was really having fun making it and playing with the lines to capture the spur-of-the-moment feeling.

Things that determine a good artwork are always easy to say but hard to execute. Especially in an art portfolio, we all know taking risks and experimenting are crucial, but it is always hard to start on something. New York Art Studio’s portfolio prep classes are here to guide you on how to start this kind of making process and create a portfolio piece organically along your ride.

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