Finish your Scholarship Portfolio with Intensive Summer Camp!

Are you planning to apply for art schools in the future?
Spend this summer most productively and creatively!
is PERFECT for high school students who plan on applying to art schools,
or just about anyone who hopes to complete
a solid art portfolio within a short term!
Because as artists, we just gotta keep on making!
Come take our SUMMER PORTFOLIO INTENSIVE this summer,
be productive and make an amazing art portfolio!
Those of you applying to art colleges and don’t know where to start,
we’ve got your back with our Summer Portfolio Intensive, that comes with
not just studio sessions, but also other goody-good activities like:

– 1-on-1 consultation on your application
– Portfolio reviews with art school admissions representatives
– Art school campus tours
– Field trips and outdoor drawing seshes
– College application workshops

Speak with our consultant now
and let us know what your situation and plans are!

We are here to help you into your dream path 🙂
Don’t miss out on our Summer Special Discounts!
 *Due to limited class size, early registration is highly recommended!
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