Parsons Acceptance

Student Acceptance: Parsons Communication Design

🌟 Parsons Acceptance: Communication Design🌟 Congratulations to another one of our talented students! We are excited to announce that another one of our talented students has secured Parsons acceptance for Communication Design, with $100,000 in Merit Scholarships! This remarkable achievement can be attributed to her participation in the New York Art Studio’s Summer Portfolio Intensive […]

College Art Portfolio Example: Art School Admissions

Our College Art Portfolio Examples! Check out our students’ college art portfolio example from observation! When preparing a portfolio for college, foundational drawing skills are very important to showcase. These drawings showcase what makes a perfect college portfolio example. So what makes an observational drawing art portfolio ready? The first aspect to look for is […]

College Art Portfolio

College Art Portfolio Walkthrough

Art colleges provide an excellent opportunity for students who are passionate about the arts and aspire to pursue a career in the field. Given their specialized focus on an art-centric curriculum, these schools implement a distinct admission process, setting them apart from non-art majors. At the New York Art Studio, we specialize in meeting the […]

Student Acceptance: Pratt BArch Architecture

✨ Pratt Acceptance! ✨ Congratulations to another one of our talented and hardworking students who received Pratt Acceptance for BArch Architecture with $150,000 in Merit Scholarships!! Pratt Institute stands as a prestigious institution, recognized both nationally and internationally, offering an impressive array of nearly 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs spanning art, design, architecture, liberal […]

Student Acceptance: RISD Illustration

πŸŽ‰ RISD Acceptance!! πŸŽ‰ Congratulations to one of our outstanding students who has received RISD Acceptance for BFA Illustration through early decision for the 2024 Fall Admissions! This talented student embarked on her artistic journey with the New York Art Studio since 10th grade. With her unwavering dedication, she invested her time, passion, and effort […]