Still-life Drawing: Student Art Portfolio Work Example

A good art portfolio drawing can embody various qualities. This delicate drawing, created in our Art College Portfolio Prep course, serves as an excellent example of strong foundational skills demonstrated through an observational drawing of still life. Through the meticulous application of fine graphite marks, the drawing exudes a soft and ambient atmosphere across the […]

Prepare Art Portfolio with our Summer Portfolio Intensive!

If you decided to apply to an art school, one crucial thing to think about is preparing an art portfolio. Usually, it is always best if you start planning your portfolio development so that you can pace yourself and give each project enough time to work on and polish. This could simply mean thinking about […]

Drawing in Color Pencil & Pen: College Art Portfolio Student Work

This is another student drawing example made in our Art College Portfolio Prep program! For this drawing, the student utilized colored pencils and a pen to draw an imaginary landscape, demonstrating perspective, spatial depth, and color. The viewpoint, looking from above towards a deep descent, features a spiral staircase leading to a waterfall. Natural elements […]

NYC Specialized Art High Schools Admission & Portfolio Guidelines

Specialized art high schools are something to consider for students who are interested in art and who would like to develop art skills in a more specialized way. Because specialized art schools offer high-quality art programs and specific curricula with a focus on art, they often require specific admission processes. At New York Art Studio, […]

Top 10 Architecture Schools in US 2023

Getting to know the schools and learning which school is best for your interested program is very important. Here we listed 10 architecture schools in the US that are the best for students to study. Ranking can be always subjective, so there is no first or second place in this list. It really depends on […]