Student Art Portfolio Work Example: Mixed media installation

New York Art Studio always emphasizes the importance of experiment in a college art portfolio. We have another student work example that shows well how a silly, fun idea you have in your mind can take a good turn into a good portfolio piece with guidance! Sometimes, 3D space is a hard concept to approach […]

Student Art Portfolio Work Example: Creative Self-Portrait

Self-portraiture is an essential, if not required, element in any college art portfolio. A good self-portrait represents who you are as a unique individual. A self-portrait can take many forms, but you don’t have to focus on technicality. Especially if it is a drawing, what is more important is how to portray yourself, your personality, […]

Student Art Portfolio Work Example: Still-Life Drawing

  Here is an art portfolio work example that one of the previous students at New York Art Studio made in our class! We brought this example to share with you a peep into an example of strong work, and talk a little about why it makes a good portfolio piece. For this drawing, the […]

NYART Studio F1 Student Visa Program

Are you an international student? Take Art Classes and Get your i-20! F1 Student Visa is available for all NY ART STUDIO’s Programs. * PORTFOLIO PREP * VISUAL ARTS ENRICHMENT – customized class schedule available! 1. Core Portfolio Levels are not only effective for undergraduate/graduate admissions, but also for professional Career/Job opportunities in the Art […]

What is the Cooper Union Hometest?

Cooper Union is known for its prestigious program with one of the lowest acceptance rates among any other art colleges in the nation. We just wanted to introduce you to one of their admission requirements, that is, a ~wretched~ hometest. Unlike some other schools that will announce their home test topics and themes out in the […]