art classes for all ages; teens/adults/children f1 visa art and design teen art classes adult art class visual arts

New York Art Studio: International School of Art and Design offers art classes for all ages, including teens/adults/children. We are dedicated to art and design education, helping students develop art portfolios for art school admissions and career portfolios. NYART welcomes both domestic and international students to foster a multi-cultural learning environment. We challenge our students to be critical thinkers and help them succeed in their future academic and professional careers as artists. Our distinctive Portfolio Preparation Courses have successfully helped students with admissions to the best art and design schools in the US and UK for more than 15 years. art college prep portfolio intensive accepted portfolio examples college portfolio prep

RISD, Parsons, Pratt, FIT, MICA, SAIC, Rhode Island School of Design, Parsons the new school, Pratt Institute, Fashion Institute of Technology, Maryland Institute College of Art, School of Art Instiute of Chicago, NYSID, Cooper Union, SVA, Ringing, CalArts, ArtCenter

Graphic design, fine art, fashion design, studio art, architecture, interior design, animation, 3d design, interactive design, communication design, portfolio, fine arts, illustration, painting, computer design, game design, communication design, digital media, computer art

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Portfolio Intensive Portfolio Intensive
Creativity, imagination, and experimentation are the most important aspects in art making. With years of experience, NYART will guide you to explore and use your imagination to help you bring out your inner potential and mark your place in the world of art and design.

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Portfolio Intensive

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NYART upholds a tradition of welcoming anyone with a passion for art from all over the world. Students from Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, and just about anywhere in the world reach out to us for our excellent program. We continuously strive to provide quality education for students at any levels, from children to adults, and from the beginner to the advanced.

Students will have the opportunity to work with our faculty members, who hold academic degrees from such prestigious schools as Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Hunter College, RISD, Pratt, SVA and more. All our instructors have years of experience in teaching portfolio preparation and are currently accomplished artists/designers themselves.
college portfolio prep art class visual art class fine art class drawing class painting class

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获取最新课程信息,或其他详情: 联系我们 or 提交线上咨询 

txt_red 成人艺术课程




11:00 AM – 3:00 PM 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

4:00 PM – 8:00 PM 2:30 PM – 6:30 PM

A 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
B 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
A 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm
B 4:00pm – 8:00pm


txt_red 成年人艺术课程

  • 线上/线下课程可选
  • 全年开放,滚动式入学
  • 开发你的艺术技能和基础技巧
  • 任何水平(包括零基础)的学生都可以参加!
  • 小班式授课,高效率课堂
  • 课程有效期为 6 周; 一节课时长为 4 小时.
  • 每周上课数量灵活
  • 一次性注册费(不可退): $35
 6次课程/6 周 $770